Monday, December 15, 2008

To say that i really really needed last weeks vacation would be a gross understatement, it would be like saying bush didnt deserve the shoe, or something like that. Actually i still think i need it, a7is ena makanat kfaya. bs el7imdila.
One of the things i loved about this vacation is that i got to spend more than a week without internet and very limited tv. I was worried at first especially about no internet, cuz i have this daily ritual of websites i have to check and if i dont i would feel lost, like the feeling you have when you leave home and realize you left the mobile phone at home. 7asait nafsee ma3zool 3an baji el 3alam bs ana o rab3i o ahali. But it turned out to be a great thing. I really felt like i did something different. 
It also made me appreciate all the small things we take for granted on a daily basis. But mostly, it was a blast, and am glad that i didnt have to travel to have fun. I really dont get some people who cannot have fun in kuwait. A7is'hom misakeen lazem esafroon 3alashan yistansoon.  Anyways, if ever you get a chance to leave your daily habits behind and commit to doing something different then i suggest you go for it, it's fun.


Mrs. said...

hey u ;)
where'd u go? :P

Ansam said...

I tried so hard to stay DISconnected as well... I was in chalet or with family or anywhere not so close to TV, mobile, or internet.. I did check my email between now and then but just wanted to rest my brain hehehehe and before it was even over, I was thinking of new year's break LOL

bored said...

mrs: ahlaaan ;D lol i didnt know it was u awal shay fa ga3d agool mino hathi ele ga3da etgool hey u ;p it's good to have u back in the blog world ;p

bored said...

ansam: yeah its a great feeling ;)