Saturday, August 23, 2008

off to kubbar for the day

image taken from Q8_Hazrd's flickr photostream

BBQ, swimming, hanging under the sun with friends....not everyone who goes there goes there to do bad deeds, regular ole' time fun still exists. A note to the political islamists, stop spreading the bad images of Kuwait to try and scare people into believing our road to salvation lays solely under your virtuous hands.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I hate it when the only way i know i went to sleep last night is by remembering having thoughts am certain only to have in a dream...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I've been looking for a good music player to put on this blog for a while but most required me to upload my own songs somewhere and am just too lazy to do any of that. I finally found this good Internet radio thing that I've installed from The music is what i call background music, something i can listen to while not really listening too it, it's something i hear in the background while doing anything else. I'll try it out for a few days and i might decide to leave it for good.

the mist

This movie is as much about aliens or scary creatures as the Iraq invasion was about weapons of mass destruction. Stephen King takes a long hard look at human nature and what would we do when faced with an impossible situation. I personally think it is one of the best movies based on a Stephen King story, in this case a Novella about a mysterious mist that traps the people of a small up-state New York town in a grocery store, and how differently some people deal with their fear.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

mad dogs!

Yesterday, as you know, was august 4. Two things you might not have known about august 4th is that one, it is my birthday and two, its the date in which a small number of people in a small town somewhere in the English country side celebrate Saint Sithney day. Naturaly, I was intrigued as to find out a little more about my birthday saint so I turned to the most unreliable yet most quoted source on the internet, wikipedia. According to the site, God "asked Sithney to be the patron saint of girls seeking husbands, but Sithney said he would rather be the patron saint of mad dogs and get some rest."
Anyways, i would like to find out if any of you guys can guess how old i became yesterday, most people guess my age wrong by a couple of years based on how i look so it would be interesting to see how old people think i am based on how i "blog". There might be a prize for the person who guess's it right ;p

Saturday, August 2, 2008

summer 08

doesnt it seem like everyone is in a land far far away having a jolly good summer time as expected while you are stuck here struggling with the question if you should go see the new x-files movie or just watch the dvd you bought from jabriya yesterday?
but i guess there are worst things then being stuck in kuwait, in the mean, time enjoy your summer wherever you are