it is a well know fact that if you are, like me, a guy who loves football, but you happen to be on the wrong side of the scale, the only football you'll be playing is on the short end of a playstation joystick. kwaities have always had a competitive drive in them, they want to win even though there is nothing to win. like in playing regular weekend football. what used to be about playing with friends and having a good time turned to a "must win" game. this competitive drive has inevitably led to the downfall of the kuwaiti fat footballer. from a time when the bigger you are meant the scarier and tougher an opponent you would make has translated into "oh he's fat, his foot must be upside down" (not an actual quote). this, unfortunately has made the old saying true that, the fit keep getting fitter, while the overweight stay home and eat. but the time has come for us to say no more! we will no longer accept getting picked last, if at all. long gone are the days when we stand next to the opposing teams goalie and wait for when the ball falls to our feet by mistake. we will stand up, we will run the field, and we will be the captains of tomorrow.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
were you single on valentines? no worries, just go to...
Al Raya! hurry up cuz tommorow is the last day. almost any guy who has any doubt about wanting to get married needs only to go to this event and his point of view on this subject is certain to take a leap of faith. Just take my word for it.
i was bored at 11:34 PM 13 people read this and said
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
cooking steak
i was bored at 7:56 PM 10 people read this and said
own a piece of mike
i was bored at 12:19 AM 4 people read this and said
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
tough guy 2009
i was bored at 10:58 PM 7 people read this and said
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
mixed weddings
Last Friday was my first experiance with mixed weddings, not a kuwaiti one 6ab3an but an egyptian wedding here in kuwait. It was a wedding for a lady with us in the office and everyone from work was invited. So libast qitriti o 7arakt o ri7t 9alat el afraa7 o lama dashait wila 3ala dakhlat el 3aroos wil mi3ris. en9idamt lany towaqa3t'hom ra7 eshaghloon moseeqa hadya o yamshoon ba6eee2 bs 6ala3 ena feee firqa kamla o danabik o hai9a o looya. el wath3 kan nagazi. fa lama dashait wila ashoof el shabab el kuwaityeen ele bl maktab ma3ana kilhom labseen bidal suit o karafitaat wil hnood ele min el maktab kilhom labseen dishadeesh wimqatreeen. (ana makint adre 3an hal etifaaq lana 9arli shahar morayi7 el maktab kila 3ind clients). Wala ele eshoofhom egool hathaila mn rabi3na. atwaqa3 ena ele dara bilsalfa o shafnee 9af yam halihnood o eb hal somaar e7asibnee minhom, ehnee ta7asaft llaish mawiratht mn yadee el shigar wi3yoona el zirg. 3ogob makhlisat el zafa ele 6awilat yimkin ni9 sa3a sawooo slow dance 7ag el ma3arees broo7hom, b3dain slow dance ma3a kil el couples ele bl 3irs, faja eb ni9 lighniya el hadya wil slow dance 6ifat ni9 el laitat o engalbat el aghani techno! kilman wigaf o el 3omoom gam yargi9 o e9afig o fe nas 7ata gam e6amrooon eb mokanhom o yaw o shaloo el mi3ris 3ala echtoofhom, 9ij loya bs 9ij wanasa too. Anyways, el niq6a ele kint bagoolha ena it was a mixed wedding bs ma7asait ena kan fe shay ghala6..ya3ni el wath3 kan 6abee3i o kilman mistanis. ga3adt agool baini o bain nafsee ena lo el wath3 nafsa 9ar eb 3irs kuwaityeen chan ni9 el mawjoodeen bs ga3deen ekhazkhizoon eb ba3athhom ba3ath o kilman ga3id mokana bidoon layta7arak.
i was bored at 9:01 PM 25 people read this and said