today i came home early at around 6ish and felt like cooking something for lunch. lately i felt i was getting bored of the same old food routine, i usually have some snack from starbucks or whichever coffee shop near by in mid day then come home late and eat whatever has been cooked earlier in the day. so today before i left i called home and told them to get some steaks out of the freezer and prepare them for me. i like to cook from time to time although i dont get to do it that often bs when i do a7ib atfalsaf wajarib ashya mitnaw3a. today i took the steak and put on it some Dijon mustard and some sweet chili sauce and some other spices and let it marinate a bit, then i put some veggies, tomato, onions, green pepper and garlic on the frying pan. after that, i placed the steak on the veggies. so its like the whole time the steak was cooked on the veggie that was being cooked on the pan. i have no idea if that made any difference but it sure did look good. before it was done i put some rectangular cheese that i bought from sultan center of which i dont know the name of on the steak itself for about 2 minutes so it can melt into the steak. here are a few pics of the cooking:
this is when i first put the steak on the veggies, if u can see some of the mustard and sweet chili on the steak which covered the level of veggies underneath.
this is a pic of the steaks halfway through, u can see its begining to take some color and some veggies appear under it.
this is what it looked like after it was done with the cheese on top. of coarse lazem bo6a6 and some Pepsi with the meal and what is next to the steak is some of the veggies that was underneath the steak that was cooking, which absorbed all the sweet chili and were very very spicy. overall this was better then i expected and it was a nice change from the usual daily meal. its also a bit more satisfying when u cook ur own meal from time to time.
i guess this is another honesty tag thing, that i like to cook from time to time, and that i am a kind of person that lives to eat good food, even though lately i've been using an iphone application named "live strong" to help me lose weight, yeah can u imagine? a phone helping me lose wieght, wala tekniloojya. it does it by helping me keep track of what am eating. i just write what i ate and it says how many calories i have eaten and how much more i can afford to eat without compromising my 2 pounds a week weight lose target. its good because when u have something that lets u actually think about what ur eating it, well makes u think about what ur eating. so far i've been using it for 4 days and lost 1 kilo with some exercise. am doing this exercise which i found on utube called
300, its simple yet i found in less then a week that its very effective.
so if u ever have some extra time on ur hand, cook, think about what ur eating, or just do some exercises that will make u feel better.