Sunday, February 18, 2007

bored kuwaities

a while ago a friend of mine was telling me how he hated life in kuwait and how boring it is and that there was nothing to do and he couldnt wait to find some chance to leave, i agreed to some extent that there is less to do in kuwait then most other places, but that it was still not as bad as it seemed. i told him that to survive in kuwait you need to find yourself an obsession, something that will occupy your time, energy, and thoughts.

anyways, after saying that, i began to think what we do to pass the time, what obsessions keep different people sane in this place, so i decided to list some of my addictions and the choices of what kind of person you could become in order not to be bored all the time, so here goes:

1) the dowaniya addict:

this is your average joe, this kinda guy seeks simple pleasures in his life. his days are long and mostly frustrating, so he chooses to wind down in a dowaniya, a place where he can simply relax, put his feet up, and be in the company of friends and like minded individuals. other traits of this individual is being completely and utterly addicted to winning eleven. for those of you who dont know, winning eleven is a soccer game played on the sony playstation. believe me when i tell you, some dowaniyas are built ONLY for playing winning eleven, and the patrons of these dowaniyas can go for up to 6 or 7 hours non-stop. variations to the dowaniya for the average joe is el-gahwa, a sheesha place. on some occasions he likes to leave the comforts of the dowaniya and go have a ras or rasain of m3asil 3anab or saloom, this is true especially when the weather is nice or when a soccer game is on.

2) the starbuckian:

this energized individual truly needs to get out and breath. he needs to stimulate his senses visually in order to feel satisfied. likes the hustle n bustle of the crowd and enjoys a bit of gossip. staying 3 or 4 hours in a starbucks is the norm for this guy, and has to go to both choc bars at least once a week. other traits of this individual include always finding a way to pass thru the second ring road "shari3 el 7ob" where ever his destination might be. other alternatives include being seen at starbucks solidair or the starbucks in leicester square.

3) the t.v. fanatic:

this guy is very imaginative and likes to be inspired by bigger then life things, hence watching the tele. he finds normal everyday life dull and doesnt believe there is much excitement around, so he turns to the creative minds of the writers and directors from a far for entertainment. complimentary items that are needed to feed this addiction are a couple of external hard disc's and a very high speed internet connection so he can download and store all the t.v shows and movies he can find. also a big screen plasma or projector adds to this experiance. (this character is very similar to the dowaniya addict and, in some cases i have observed, can be both at the same time)

4) google's baby:

if your reading this then you know what am talking about :P
well i guess these are the most common ones, let me know what u guys think


Anonymous said...

i always try to take gulf road - i love the sea and passing by it calms me down tremendously.

I think I would fit as the starbuckstarian - except when in Kuwait I am to be found in shisha cafes getting my fix of shisha ;) does that make me shishararian?

Utmost-y said...

i agree :P
ana bs the last thing applies to me , ymken i wouldve loved going to dwaniya bs ma7ad 3azamne yet *nagza*:P

ur all of them i guess sa7? just replace with burger hub lol :P

Mrs. said...

LOL! Khoosh post! :P
I know a dowaneya dude, a starbuckian, and a google baby :P

tha7akney el categories hehehe

Missy said...

haha and which one is you? :P

um-miT3ib said...

ana kilihom ;p


OMG Soo True !!

Am the type that keep myslef busy with shopping hehe and shwaya feni Stabuckian ;P lol.. Nice post

avocat said...

shooOF il faragha w ma tsaWweeee ;p

utmost ana weyach eb ya3zemna 3la dewaneeta ;p

bored said...

cixo: yeh i sometimes take a ride eb el man6aqa el 7ura beyond movenpik, its very quite and calming over there

utmost: lol true, khalas next time i'll invite u, bs el 3asha 3alaich ;p

perfect stranger: hehe yeah i based those categories on ppl i knwo or myself..

missy; am a little bit of everything ;p

um-mit3ib: lol goodluck

glamorous: lol so ur a shopoholic ha?

um-mid3aab: shiftay eshloon? ;p ana agool u and utmost tifti7oon dowaniya o ta3zimona kilna eshraykom?;p

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. what about girls? ;P

eshda3wa said...

nice post
and applies to most ppl
i dont fit in one category
a lil bit of everything

Anonymous said...

I'm a starbuckian fan.....:)