1lb anatomically correct heart made from pure chocolate, from http://www.pushindaisies.com/candypress/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=224
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Yann Tiersen-violin abuse
sur le fil in madrid 2006
i was
7:16 PM
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Are You A Certified Asshole?
Find Out With the Asshole Rating Self-Exam (ARSE)
A 24-Question Self-Exam by Bob Sutton
i was
8:42 PM
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Labels: asshole
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
bearded perception
lately i've been too tired to do anything (or in other words just lazy) to the point that i didnt feel like shaving my beard...so i just let it grow n grow..but now that i've started back on my routine i decided to let the beard stay for a while longer.
i have to admit that having a beard has somewhat changed the way people act around me..for instance when in the gym the other guys actually ASK if am using the machine instead of just cutting in...also, a number of older men who usually dont look at me actually come up to me and say "salam 3alaikom" and some actually start small talk...so i have to ask, is it just me or do people in general give more respect to a man with a beard??
another situation i was put in happened today...am taking an advanced week long coarse in my field, this workshop starts from 5-8:30 or for those who dont know starts before 9alat el magharb and ends after 9alat el 3isha..so if anyone doesnt want to miss el magharb we had to pray over there..so we go into the designated prayer room and there we were 10 or 11 guys mostly twice my age standing there and one of the guys starts to eqeem el 9alaat..when he was done we all stood there, i was looking for the person who was gonna be the emaam when all of the sudden the guy on my right and the guy on my left simultaneously grab my hand and push me forward and say "yala 9al feena"!!!!!
i was like
so there i was standing in the middle and everyone was standing in a straight line looking at me, so i turn around and slowly walk up to the emaams sijada (heart racing) mino egoool matiwahagt! so i look back and try to remember what emaams do, so i stand and say loudly "ESTAWOOOO W'ESTAQEEEMOOO" loooool...
so kabart and i started praying and everyonce in a while i peek behind just to make sure these guys are actually following me :P la ohwa 3gaaal ma6aaaa7, ehya qitra mazligaat lol
anyways, i guess responsibility comes with the beard ;p
i was
12:26 AM
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Labels: beard, laugh my ass off
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
there was an interesting discussion between a couple of friends of mine about the state of health care in kuwait. one of the guys was complaining about how bad the public hospitals were and how incompetent they're getting. another guy (who happens to be a surgeon) agreed that overall the situation was not so good, but mentioned that the public governmental hospitals were still much better then the private ones. i know, a few people were surprised to hear that but he continued on saying that medically, the public ones were much better. the private hospitals, among many other reasons, dont really have to answer to anyone and that their main aim was, after all, making a profit. his example of why this was true was that almost all private hospitals in kuwait refer all their high risk and very complicated cases to government hospitals, cuz they are not capable of dealing with them.
at the end it made a lot of sense, especially since it came from someone who knows what he's talking about. is it true? i dont know but if we think of it, where does most of the effort in private hospitals go? is it in providing the best health care or providing the most comfortable and luxurious hospital stay? is it true that there is a 7,000 KD per night room at the new 7ayat hospital? last but not least, would you rather, alah laygoola, when facing life and death, would you rather be in a hospital where their main concern and responsibility to the government was to get you back on your feet or would you rather have designer sheets and a coffee shop in the lobby?
on a side note, i just got a msg saying that those 4 poor bangali's DO have bird flu! alah yaster
i was
4:54 PM
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i was
2:01 AM
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Labels: bored
Sunday, April 1, 2007
3) when in the gym and feeling tired, i put on either the superman theme music or the song from jungaar to get pumped up
4) i can share almost anything with anyone except for french fries, that i cannot and will not share!
5) if am having lunch alone, i have to have it on my bed infront of the t.v and i dont start eating unless theres something good or something i can follow on the telle
6) i feel nervous when anyone gets even close to my laptop, am like "wakhraw!"
7) magdar andimij eb anything unless am munching on something
8) i love to read, but at the same time its the best way to put me to sleep
9) when someone claps real loud i get a twinch in my neck and my eyes close, so you can imagine what i look like at a samra
10) when ever i hear a thubana's noise i cover my ears, and theres this huge thubanaaa hovering over my head that am gonna try to get so wish me luck ;)
am guessing everyone has already been tagged so i tag no one ;p
i was
12:26 AM
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