Saturday, August 4, 2007

the cfa

Do you ever get those moments when you feel like your on top of the world, like you can do anything you want no matter how hard it is, the feeling you get right after watching the secret, well i got that moment a while ago. So full of confidence and desire i went ahead and registered myself into the cfa institute and became a candidate. Wohoooooo! I was so pumped up to study and learn (ok you can call me a nerd after that line). But after a while the enthusiasm i had began to fade, then i realized i had just spent close to $900 so i could study for 4 months and take a long ass test that had a relatively 70% chance of failure! Lets just say my feet have firmly landed on the ground and reality had set in. It's not that am not confident enough about my own ability to pass the test, it's just that i didnt know what i was getting myself into and never realized exactly how much effort this is gonna take. Just to give you guys some idea of what needs to be done, i have to read 700+ page books, 6 of them to be exact, at least once. Well i do believe in "tafa'elo bilkhair tajidoooh" so i guess the right attitude would be to say that i will study hard for this test and i will pass it enshala. I got my calculater and am wearing my glasses and i feel ready to take this on....

lesson one, statistics!

oh dear god


Anonymous said...

Haha! You really were bored, weren't you?! Good luck with studying and Allah yewafgek inshAllah! Stay positive and think about the 30% that do pass!

Utmost-y said...

aku a7ad yakteb chethe post on his bday?:p

GOODLUCK ! im sure u can do it! ur soooo gonna pass enshala:D

bored said...

zahra: looool lay hal daraja embayin? ;p and thnx for the support am gonna need it

utmost: a9lan tadreeen ena i forgot it was my birthday while i was writing it ;p khalas i promise to have a proper b-day post by the end of the day

Ansam said...

Happy Birthday :-P

bored said...

lol thnx ansam ;p